October 13, 2019

Deploying Centralised

Tags: computer science contemplation
2 minute read

I decided to deploy my blog using google cloud storage instead of github pages. I suppose I couldn’t be bothered naming the github repo something other than [username].github.io, nor figuring out how to bypass this.

Since running hugo (the library) outputs a static site into the /public folder, I figured just using a storage provider would work. It would also allow me to use cloudflare, which is shiny. Much security, much safe.

In the process, I was reminded of how centralised the web is:

With all of the above done, I get to have my content served at last. I used centralised source code tools, storage, payment methods, identity verification, and domain name allocation. Yikes.

Hopefully one day I can just use git with a distributed, encrypted provider. Then get a domain name from ENS, deploy files to something like IPFS, hook up payment to a proxy Ethereum account and be done with it.

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